Mr. Criminal - Hustle In Progress Chicano Rap

Shorty after releasing volume 3 of his debut album "Criminal Mentality" is Mr. Criminal already back with another new LP called "Hustle In Progress". There are only 2 features on the album including an appearance by Big Temps and one by Blue Raggs. To promote the release he released a studio performance video for "Guns Cocked" which can be seen by clicking here. You can buy "Hustle in Progress" from all online retailers such as Amazon and iTunes or stream it on Spotify or Tidal.

01. Intro
02. Save Me
03. Hustlers Prayer
04. Bounce Rock Skate
05. Guns Cocked
06. Tomorrow Isn't Promised
07. The Streets Love No One
08. They Recognize Me When I Roll
09. Turnt Up (feat. Big Temps, Blue Raggs)
10. I'm Addicted
11. I Got Dreams
12. The Lifestyle
13. The Good Life

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